Tech Portfolio

A journey on Daniel Huang's research and invention

Find Out More

Hi, I am Daniel!

I am a passionate impacts engineer and past leader of several student orgranizations and award-winning projects. I graduated from King's College London with a degree in Computer Science with AI in 2021 and I am currently a grad school student and NLP student researcher at Santa Clara University. I am eager to join your company and make a difference.

What I Can Offer

Areas of Focus

What I Can Offer

Big Data

I have experience in using data framework such as Hadoop and Apache Spark and a sophisticated understanding in SQL and NoSQL databases.

Full-stack Development

I have internship experience in developing the front-end and back-end of websites.
I also have certified experience in Cloud solution development, such as AWS and GCP.

Machine Learning and AI

I frequently explore and develop ML & AI applications.
I am particularly skilled in Natural Languages Processing
along with some experience in Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning, Brain-Computer Interface and Autonomous Driving Systems.

Moonshot ideas

From re-purposing CO2 emission by converting CO2 waste to solar cells materials, to innovating the idea of food freshness stickers at the MIT Entrepreneurship Bootcamp,
my ability to create moonshot ideas built up the foundations of my impact engineering career



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My Organizations

King's College London AI Society The New York Academy of Sciences